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Featured Recommendations

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Featured Recommendations

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The Scarecrow

A scarecrow, made to stand guard, alone, goes against his nature to save a baby crow.  Instead of enmity, they share a friendship.  Until one day, the bird flies away. Scarecrow is alone again, until spring returns with new life and new friends.


The Enchanted Hour

Explore the magic of reading aloud and it effects on babies and young children, the brain and the bond that is forged through this timeless tradition.  A powerful contrast to technology and its divisiveness.  


Gazpacho for Nacho

This book was love at first read.  Nacho refuses to eat anything but gazpacho until he learns the joys of cooking.  The clever rhyme takes a bilingual approach with great visuals for context.

Book Reviews and Lists

Books for Babies

Board Books for Toddlers

Interactive Books

Books by Interest

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